Keep it simple

Nearly every week there’s a different headline about what to eat (or not). There is so much advice, often contradictory.

So what’s the reality when it comes to food and nutrition advice?

Reading time: 4 minutes

What will it do?

With so much information available, choices about what to eat and drink can seem difficult. This tool will help you make simple choices, based on what you know.

As your food knowledge develops, you can change what you do, with certainty. Until then, based on what you know, you can use this tool to make helpful choices for you.

The principles in the tool can be applied at all times. The aim of this tool is to help you create and maintain good habits for performance at work.

Three steps to take

Get focused on the things that will make the most impact for you

1. The basics

What simple food rules do you follow, that work for you. They’ve probably been around for a long time, and passed on to you, because they’re tried and tested.

e.g. eat breakfast / eat as fresh as possible / eat where you know what the ingredients are

2. Test out the source of the information you’re using

Can you rank them in order of credibility for you? Add others if you wish…

Information source  Rank
Health issues of newspapers etc
Health and fitness magazines
Online sites aimed at health and fitness
Research from people like the British Heart Foundation or World Health Authority
Random advice “a friend of mine told me…”
Advice from parents and grandparents
Own direct experience
First hand independent scientific research articles
Stories in national newspapers or online media

3. How would you help a friend

Now imagine a friend has asked your advice about what to eat and drink to help them perform at their best at work. They’re similar to you in their work, age and health.

You’re only allowed to tell them things that you’re 100% certain work for you. What will you say? Keep it simple and think carefully before committing!

e.g. eat breakfast

How does this advice fit in to your own plan? How well do you follow your own advice?

Your plan

Get a plan Stan. This is about getting going. The basics you need to have in your plan are set out below.

Plan basics

  1. What are you going to do? This bit is easy – it’s the 3 things you listed above.

    My actions:

  2. When are you going to do these things? You don’t have to be great to get going, but you better get going if you want to be great.

    My start date:

  3. How often will you be doing them? Getting great has a lot to do with making things a habit.

    Check-in frequency and dates:

Get serious

The difference between having a plan and making it work is about action. So get this in your diary now. Tell the people who need to know so that they can support you and won’t just think you’re being weird. Do it now.

Remember, it’s progress not perfection. You’re looking for gradual improvement, not for Rome to be built in a day.