
The clue is in the name

As someone who helps lead a team of human performance experts working with some great people and organisations in elite sport and the business world around the globe, I really care about it and I really believe it matters and can make a massive difference to those who are prepared to do what’s necessary to get high performance in their particular role in their particular arena.

Posted in: Blog postsLeadershipPerformanceTeams

High performance – the clue is in the name

Leaders say they want high performing teams. But because they don’t know what it means, they label things “high performance” that aren’t.

Posted in: ViewpointsCultureLeadership

Leading a high performance culture

High performing cultures need leaders who nurture, develop & sustain them. See what that means for you so you can lead a culture, not a cult. . John Kotter & James […]

Posted in: GuidesCultureLeadership

Create rituals that support your high performance culture

Rituals are the regular rhythms that tell people what matters and set the tone for your culture. In high performance cultures, they are used to reinforce what matters. This tool is […]

Posted in: ToolsCultureLeadershipRituals

Get high performance into your culture DNA

High performance cultures need leaders who behave like it really matters. Leaders who are serious about it and show it in what they say, how they think and what they […]

Posted in: ToolsCultureLeadershipRituals

Build a High Performance Culture

High performance cultures are rare things that take time and energy to build. They also take a lot of work to sustain and doing that needs leadership.

Posted in: KitbagsCultureLeadership

Sustaining a high performance culture

Want to know what it takes to  create a high performance culture, and keep it going? Watch this short but beautifully formed video for everything you need to know so […]

Posted in: Videos and WebinarsCultureLeadership

Inspire your team to greatness

Are you leading a team or a member of one that isn’t firing on all cylinders? Do team members sometimes seem demotivated or disengaged? Whether you’re leading or part of a team that needs a kick start, there’s some simple things that you can do to make a big difference.

Posted in: Training plansLeadershipMotivationTeams

Leading when there’s no time in the day

Does it seem like there’s not enough time in the day to lead? Does leadership feel like something you can do when you’ve got more capacity? The demands on a leader are tough, though with practise and discipline there are simple ways to make leadership and getting things done an “and”, not an “or”.

Posted in: Training plansLeadership

Do you push your limits?

We’re 186 days out from the Rio 2016 Olympics (as of 1st February!). It’s a critical time for athletes around the world preparing for the Games - what they do this winter will dictate their level of readiness to deliver medal winning performances at the Games.

Posted in: Blog postsLeadershipMindsetPressureThe Basics


Recently we asked a team what sprang to mind when they thought about team building. Do you know what they said? “Water!” Water!!

Posted in: Blog postsCoachingLeadershipMotivationTeams

Performancefest 2016
PerformanceFest 2016 - Why it matters for leaders

Performancefest 2016 - Join companies like Facebook, American Express, NFU Mutual and Virgin Media at our unique event; a day of transformational, creative learning, for anyone who wants to improve their business performance.

Posted in: Blog postsCultureLeadership