5 things to do when you join a new team

Joining a new team can be a daunting and nerve wracking experience for any person. It is an important transition where not only do we put pressure on ourselves to deliver to our best, we also expect superb communication with people who we’re building new working relationships with. Given the pressure and stress we put on ourselves to be amazing straight away, it’s not uncommon for this to be a time where you worry a lot!
Here’s some things we’ve found useful ourselves and have advised people to focus on to turn the worry into useful action:
Connect with people
When you’re starting out working with your new colleagues, be yourself. Don’t put on an act. Show them you’re human and making some well intended efforts to start off on the right foot so that all of your skills, knowledge and expertise can be shared with increasing passion and confidence as you work together more.
Don’t be afraid to tell people how you feel. Connection is not just about connecting with new people, it can also be about sharing how you feel with friends and family. If the new relationships at work are not being easy to work out, then then find someone to talk to who you know will listen, support and help you find the next steps to take.
Be prepared
Having applied for the job, you probably know a good amount about the business anyway, but it often helps to do some more homework. Find out about the history, philosophy and values that have built the company you’re now part of.
Immerse yourself
Having done your homework, it’s now all about immersing yourself into the reality of the new workplace. Really enjoy finding out everything you can about your new culture. Simply show your passion for working with your new team by finding out what it really means to be part of the team and the business.
Focus on your goals
In our eagerness to impress in a new role, it’s very common to set really unrealistic goals about how much we’re going to achieve in the first few months. Set some short term personal and work goals which will help to increase your confidence. Regularly reflect on the goals so that you learn how to strengthen your strengths.
Ask the right questions
Our thoughts are a powerful tool that impact our emotions, behaviours and physiology. Think about all the strengths that you can bring to the team and how you will use them in a positive way to help and support your team. Each morning before work ask yourself helpful questions which will increase your sense of control and confidence:
- What do I want to find out about today?
- How can I support my team today?
- What strengths do I need to demonstrate today?
- What demands will I be facing today?
- What resources do I have available to deal with the demands?
Given the stress we put ourselves under, it’s a great time to make sure you’ve got all the tools you need, to give you the best chance of performing to the level you’re aspiring too. So the next time you are preparing to join a new team why don’t you try using a few of our tips and tools and let us know how you get on.
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