
Zero hours contracts – a dark place for motivation

All the talk of zero hours contracts during the election campaign focused on the two predictable sides of the debate. Businesses need them so they can remain flexible and competitive in uncertain times (though it’s unclear when business will think times are certain and that even if they did, whether they’d then stop using them).

Posted in: Blog postsConfidenceMotivation

Holding your own at the next level up

Does your confidence dip when you’re in important meetings with people you need to impress? Do you get nervous just when the pressure is on and you need to deliver? […]

Posted in: Training plansConfidence

Fuel your confidence

Funny thing, confidence. It’s vital to perform well yet we don’t seem to invest time in working on our confidence. The world’s best don’t leave their confidence to chance. They make sure they’re systematically and regularly doing stuff to fuel their confidence.

Posted in: KitbagsConfidence

The secret of confidence

Confidence. With it, you can do almost anything. Without it, your chances of performing well plummet. It’s so important which makes it all the more strange that people simply don’t […]

Posted in: GuidesConfidence

Invest in your confidence

Don’t leave your confidence to chance. Regularly invest time and energy into building bullet proof confidence. If it’s important to delivering a great performance and getting the results you want, […]

Posted in: ToolsConfidence

It’s not always plain sailing – battling back when your confidence is rock bottom

We’ve all been through tough times when our confidence has taken a battering. It happens to the best of us, and sometimes, in the case of elite athletes, very publicly. […]

Posted in: ViewpointsConfidencePressure

Building confidence

Want to know what it takes to be confident and ready to perform? Watch this short but beautifully formed video for everything you need to know so that you’re ready […]

Posted in: Videos and WebinarsConfidencePressure

5 ways to build bullet proof confidence

Confidence is not a personality trait or quality. It’s not something that you either have or haven’t. Being confident is a skill. Everyone can build their confidence if they know […]

Posted in: InfographicsConfidence

Winning the biggest race of my life

The week’s blog comes from Simon Chodziesner, a K2 Performance Coach based in Melbourne. For those of you who are avid blog readers, you may remember a blog from Simon back in October, just before he underwent major heart surgery. Back by popular demand, Simon shares his rehab experiences, taking of course, a high performance lens to reflect on his recovery!

Posted in: ConfidenceMindsetMotivationPerformanceThe Basics

Are you using your Battle Mentality?

I’m writing this from Melbourne Airport, en route back home to the UK after a great couple of weeks working with some of our Australian customers. Airports make me reflect – they represent endings and beginnings, so it seems like the perfect time to put pen to paper.

Posted in: ConfidenceMindsetMotivationPerformanceRituals

Motivation and the 3 key ingredients

In episode 4 we speak to our human performance expert Dr Chris Shambrook about Motivation. The podcast covers a range of areas including how to develop a helpful motivational climate, […]

Posted in: PodcastsConfidenceGoalsMotivation

Your pyramid of confidence

Answer all of the questions we’ve got at each level of the pyramid and start to regularly build your confidence.

Posted in: InfographicsConfidence