Set your team up for success

Do you want a high performing team but you’re not sure what steps to take to make this happen? Would you like to have and use some simple high performance team principles that you can introduce one at a time?

Doing this will make your team highly unusual in actually having a team performance improvement plan!

Follow this training plan and in just 12 weeks you and your team will be set up for success.

Time to prepare: 20 minutes
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How it works

It’s great that you’re thinking about starting a Training Plan. Here’s how it all works.

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Get going

This training plan is all about the practical steps needed to set your team up to perform.

work smarter
Step 1

Your focus area for weeks 1 and 2 is making sure that everyone is clear why the focus is on collective performance. Spend 30-40 minutes creating your plan now, then […]

work smarter
Step 2

Your focus area for weeks 3 and 4 is ensuring that everyone has a clear, shared understanding of why you collectively exist – the collective purpose. Spend 30-40 minutes creating […]

work smarter
Step 3

Your focus area for weeks 5 and 6 is making sure that everyone is clear on the desired collective performance to achieve the collective purpose. Spend 30-40 minutes creating your […]

work smarter
Step 4

Your focus area for weeks 7 and 8 is making sure that everyone is focusing on inputting to collective motivation. Spend 30-40 minutes creating your plan now, then follow it […]

work smarter
Step 5

Your focus area for weeks 9 and 10 is making sure that everyone understands their collective responsibility for performance. Spend 30-40 minutes creating your plan now, then follow it for […]

work smarter
Step 6

Well done! You’ve worked your way through the 5 key focus areas and are nearing the end of the training plan. For the last two weeks of it, you’ll now […]

Your next steps

So now you’ve had a chance to practise each part of your plan and then bring it all together, how do you feel it’s gone?