
John Lewis and high performance

I had the privilege of meeting Sir Stuart Hampson, ex-chairman of John Lewis talk about their famed level of employee engagement and customer satisfaction. Much of what he said reinforces […]

Posted in: Performance insightsCultureLeadership

Building a talent development programme

Are you designing a talent development programme? Does everyone in the business know their role in making it a success? We’ve designed and delivered hundreds of talent development programmes and […]

Posted in: Performance insightsCultureLeadershipPerformanceTeams

Are you a One System Thinker?

Test yourself on how good a One System Thinker you believe you are.

Posted in: ToolsCultureLeadershipMindset

What is One System Thinking?

This video highlights the key ideas of One System Thinking and will help to build your understanding of this topic.

Posted in: Videos and WebinarsCultureLeadership

Talent Development and Firing Yourself

The typical approach we see to talent development in the business world makes our hearts sink just a little. We know it’s all done with the best of intent but […]

Posted in: Performance insightsCultureLeadershipPerformanceTeams

Employee Engagement

8 reasons why Employee Engagement is in danger of disappearing up its own arse by Keith Hatter. If you enjoy this and want to know more, tune in to this […]

Posted in: Performance insightsCultureLeadershipTeams

Why am I not engaged at work?

If you’re not feeling engaged at work, you’re not alone. That’s from our experience as well as the research which shows that despite all the effort, energy and resources poured […]

Posted in: ViewpointsCulture

So you want to feel more engaged?

Most people don’t feel engaged at work and that’s a problem. It diminishes effort, performance and results. Only 30% of people are engaged with their work. So 70% aren’t. It’s […]

Posted in: GuidesCultureMotivation

How to feel more engaged at work

Feeling more engaged at work will fuel your performance, help you overcome challenges and enhance your high-performance happiness. This tool will help you feel more engaged, whatever your playing conditions. […]

Posted in: ToolsCultureMotivation

A guide to One System Thinking

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. […]

Posted in: GuidesCultureLeadershipMindset

Beyond goal setting - Uniting the power of success and failure

Success and failure and treating those two impostors just the same. The world of work surrounds us with visions, missions, goals, KPI’s and any number of other ways highlighting the […]

Posted in: KitbagsCultureLeadershipPerformance

Developing your team’s Psychological Safety Card

“Welcome aboard Ladies and Gentlemen. Please could we have attention for your safety briefing…” All over the world, anyone who has ever been on an airplane has a common understanding […]

Posted in: Blog postsThought PiecesCultureMental Health