The Basics(240)

Christmas Survival

“I wish it could be Christmas Everyday…” Really? Every day? Imagine it… We’d all be enormous! Excessive food, too much to drink, not enough sleep… all a bit tough for […]

Posted in: Blog postsThe Basics

What is tactical readiness?

Have you got all the tactics that you need to do your job? Tactical performance is all about doing the best you can with what you have. It’s about how […]

Posted in: Performance insightsPerformanceThe Basics

Are you waiting for perfect playing conditions?

You might have sunshine, rain, a million things to do or just one. Whatever the conditions are, they’re just the conditions. The conditions might be out of your control, but […]

Posted in: Performance insightsMindsetPerformanceThe Basics

Performance Pie Management

Roger Federer – The Ultimate Performance Readiness Champion It’s no surprise that Roger Federer is still going strong in his tennis career. He’s been an expert in managing his Performance […]

Posted in: Blog postsPerformanceThe Basics

What is contextual readiness?

Contextual readiness is all about knowing and then managing the performance environment. There are physical influences in the performance environment that determine your current level of contextual readiness. Clearly there […]

Posted in: Performance insightsPerformanceThe Basics

What is physical performance readiness?

Think about what happens at a time when you’re tired and hungry. It’s difficult to concentrate. You’re more likely to be irritable with other people. Interruptions can cause excessive frustration. […]

Posted in: Performance insightsEnergyPerformanceThe Basics

What is mental readiness?

Knowing what you need to think and getting good at thinking it – is a pretty simple definition of mental readiness for preparing and performing and depending on who you’re […]

Posted in: Performance insightsMental HealthPerformanceThe Basics

Olympic, or Fools Gold – Beware the Olympic analogy bandwagon

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.” – Pierre de Coubertin, father […]

Posted in: GuidesPerformanceThe Basics

Why most people will never have an Olympic attitude at work

At the time of writing it’s February 2020 and we’re around six months out from the Tokyo Olympics. We should expect a flood of articles on how to get inspired […]

Posted in: ViewpointsPerformanceThe Basics

The Olympic mindset - what's in it for you?

The Olympics is a four year pinnacle of performance excellence. It takes a massive effort and requires enormous motivation just to get there. Are you and your organisation ready to […]

Posted in: ToolsPerformanceThe Basics

Olympians are different

Olympic analogies are commonplace. In Olympic year they’re everywhere. The reality is that the contrast between the extraordinary and the ordinary are often pretty clear.

Posted in: ToolsPerformanceThe Basics

10 ways to build a performance habit

We hear a lot about high performance habits, but less about how to build them. Here’s our top tips…

Posted in: InfographicsRitualsThe Basics